Apply for a Grant
The Little Beam Foundation offers grants to Children and Young Adults in support of their Mental Health and Wellbeing. These grants may be utilised for things like sports equipment, a musical instrument, a health assessment, art classes and more.
Prior to starting your application, please ensure that you review our Grant Application Guidance HERE or download the PDF HERE
Applying for a grant is a three step process:
Complete the Application Form below answering all the key questions!
You will receive an email to let you know we have received your submission (from TypeForm). We may contact you for additional details. On average, decisions are made within 2 to 3 months of application.
The committee will review your application and you will be notified of the final outcome. Reviews take place at the end of each month as part of the Trustee Meeting. If you are successful, you will be required to sign and the accept the terms and conditions of the grant prior to release of support.
Grant Application
Please complete the Grant Application Form below by clicking START.